TLA VPOPS – (TLA- Virtual Pre-Operative Procedure Simulation) is a virtual planning and diagnostic tool that allows the user to manipulate the 3D anatomical model, import 3D models of surgical implants and prostheses, plan a surgical procedure and then save to a TLA movie animation (TLM file), exportable video file or a series of screen captures.

TLA-VPOPS brings together:

TLA Animator – to allow real time 3D model manipulation

TLA Generator (Lite version) - to allow additional segmentation and modification of the 3D TLA model

TLA TLT files – A repository of 3D mesh files of implants and prostheses that are in a secure sharing format that can only be opened and viewed in the TLA Animator. They cannot be exported as mesh files, or read in any other program. This protects the valuable implant and prosthesis 3D data.

TLA -VPOPS is not able to create a 3D TLA model from CT scan data or STL files. This can only be done by the full version TLA Generator.

The TLA files for virtual surgical planning are generally provided by the Radiologist who performed the original CT scans, or can be created by the full TLA Generator.

TLA programs will work in an Apple/Mac environment by installing Parallels program and the Window OS.


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